Bumi Sehat opened a community health and childbirth clinic in Aceh after the devastating 2004 tsunami. Bumi Sehat continues to operate a 24/7 by-donation health and birth center, serving over 13,000 people. Our 6 midwives have completed a 3-year nurse midwifery degree. However, the Indonesian government now requires that all Indonesian midwives must have an extra year of training in order to stay certified or lose their qualification.
Bumi Sehat opened a community health and childbirth clinic in Aceh after the devastating 2004 tsunami. The 24/7 by-donation community health and birth center continues to operate in an under-served area. Our 6 local midwives completed a three year nurse-midwifery degree. However, the Indonesian government has set new regulations for midwife training and now requires an additional year of training for our midwives to stay qualified.
We need to raise funds to send 6 midwives back to school for an extra year. This way, they can keep their licenses and stay working as midwives at our Aceh clinic. Bumi Sehat won't need to take these funds out of our normal operations budget, which could impact the ability to deliver some of our other programs, including our outreach medical services, food boxes and scholarship program.
Our midwives will be able to retain their government certification and will have the additional up-skilling and training in order to teach junior midwives in the clinic. Bumi Sehat Aceh's other services, such as outreach medical services to remote villages, home birth services for patients who lack transport and food boxes, will not be affected.