This project helps 400 traumatized Ukrainian children, living now in small towns and rural areas of Poland due to military conflict in Ukraine, regain their joy of life and builds strength for their future. We will do it through organizing a year-long plays and workshops for 400 children. We will base our work on mutual integration and education between Ukrainian and Polish children supported by guardians, psychologists and cultural exchange.
Currently 1,4 million Ukrainian refugees are in Poland due to the war. 44% of them are kids suffering the most. Many of them still can't find themselves in today's reality. Those kids were separated from their homes, families, friends, favorite playgrounds and toys. Some of them still recall traumatic incidents they went through 8 months ago in Ukraine. For their mothers it is a choice between food and mental health of their children - caused by the highest inflation in Poland for past 25 years.
We organize a year-long plays and workshops for 400 children. They will meet periodically, one day a week for four hours. We will base our work on mutual integration and education between Ukrainian and Polish children working with such methodology as play in crisis worked out by International Play Association supported by guardians, psychologists and cultural exchange. Thanks to the sense of acceptance, integrations and trained staff children will be able to cope with their traumas.
The project will help 400 Ukrainian traumatized children, living now in small towns and rural areas of Poland, to fight their trauma through securing their right to play according to the Article 31 of The Convention on the Rights of the Child. Thanks to our project, Ukrainian children, who stay in Poland, will be able to enter adulthood in a new country without fear, but the sense of strength. The sense of security and the sense of care will help to heal their traumas in a healthy way.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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