Providing quality education for children in the mountains man village, Gehlour, Bihar India
This is an appeal to raise funds to run a school in Manjhi's village that will empower the children - they will have better opportunities beyond the hard labor or unemployment they endure . We are rallying funds to educate more than 100 children in Manjhi's village through this campaign. Every little support matters - your contribution will help the families and their children of the mountain man's village overcome desperate poverty through good education.
In the 1960s Dashrath Manjhi lived in a small village Gehlaur near Gaya, Bihar, India There was a rocky mountain near his village that people either had to climb across or travel round to gain access to medical care at the nearest town Wazirganj. One day Manjhi's wife fell while trying to cross the mountain, after which Manjhi decided to carve a road through it. By hand. It took him 22 years . But the village remains extremely backward and good education is needed to bring change.
Manjhi's legacy, his inspiration, should not die with him. It should live on in all those who are facing challenges, poverty and ignorance Despite all these efforts by Manjhi, people in his village still continue to live in utter poverty with no access to a good school - a hope that Manjhi was always striving hard. People First are the only NGO (non profit working in the village and we have a proven record of working successfully . Please help give these children a future for the first time.