The Nepal Trust is working in the district of Baglung in West Nepal with local organisations Daughlagiri Intergrated Rural Development Centre (DIRDC) and the Nepal Development Foundation to tackle and eradicate the illegal and dangerous practice of Chhaupadi. During their monthly period woman and girls are exiled from their homes and schools to unhygienic cow sheds or similar. They are considered unclean and a danger to the fragile purity of the home and traditional culture.
The illegal and discriminatory practice of chhaupadi which sees women and girls exiled from their homes and schools during the period of menstruation. Young girls are deprived of education for 25% of their lives and many from the poorest homes may miss out altogether.The lack of basic sanitary and hygiene facilities in schools prevents many girls from receiving a secondary education comparable with their male peers. They face problems such as period poverty, restrictions on work and mobility.
The 100% project will help to educate boys and men about menstruation in helping to change attitudes and break down stigmas. Provide education, sanitary supplies and materials for women and girls to sew their own pads. The construction of school incinerators will be used for the safe and hygienic disposal of sanitary waste.
Completely eradicate the illegal and discriminatory practice of chhaupadi and empower girls in obtaining a full education.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).