Our mission is to empower orphans and vulnerable children through education. At our residential school in Kenya, we educate, feed, and house 230 at-risk youth from preschool through 8th grade. We are proud to be a top school in our region: in 2017 and 2018, we ranked #1 out of 140 schools in our district, a feat we achieved on a budget of $1 per child per day! The care and education we provide for our students is more important than ever given the disruptions caused by the COVID pandemic.
In communities where people struggle to provide for their own basic needs, caring for orphans can pose severe hardship. Orphans often leave school, unable to afford school fees or forced to spend their days working. Child labor, abuse, early marriage, early childbearing, and low educational attainment are common. We intervene to alter the trajectory of orphans' lives, empowering them with a quality education, a supportive living environment, and the tools to build vibrant futures.
Recognizing the transformative power of education, we work to provide orphans and vulnerable children with the best academic foundation possible. We consistently rank among the top schools in our region despite our lean budget and the fact that our students come from disadvantaged backgrounds and have endured the loss of parents. Many of our graduates earn scholarships to high schools and some of our oldest alumni are now giving back to the community as educators and non-profit workers.
In the words of our Founder and Executive Director, Kwamboka Okari: "We believe that educating our orphans has the power to shape not only their destinies, but that the collective power of educated individuals can influence the destiny of Africa herself." As a foundation, we are committed to providing marginalized children with the opportunity to grow into educated, engaged, self-reliant citizens of Kenya and the world. Thank you for partnering with us -- you make our work possible!
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).