TELL is a community mental health NPO serving the international community in Japan. TELL operates an anonymous and confidential Lifeline (phone and chat), a mental health clinic, and an outreach program that engages with communities to raise awareness about mental health issues through workshops, trainings, and community support in Japan. TELL has been serving Japan's international community since 1973, and relies on donations to fund these programs.
Everyone can feel lonely from time to time, and we all deserve to have support during tough times. Having someone to listen and provide support can potentially decrease the risk of depression, anxiety, and suicide.. In Japan, mental health, loneliness, and isolation continues to be a pressing issue, and this is just as true for the international community. Your donation helps to support our Lifeline, Counseling, and Outreach services to provide that support for people in need.
TELL's lifeline, counseling, and outreach services reach those in need in our community to give the mental health support they need. Last year, TELL's Lifeline had over 8000 connections with people struggling with their mental health. TELL CounselingCounselling delivered more than 12,000 therapy sessions. Over 6,000 people attended our Outreach workshops and presentations, supporting vulnerable populations such as the LGBTQIA+ community, Ukrainian evacuees and members of the community.
Mental health issues affect everyone. As the number of foreigners living and working in Japan increase, more people who are struggling are reaching out for help. TELL plans on meeting this need and continue responding to those who reach out for support.s, TELL is planning on expanding its service to provide extended 24 Hour Support to people who use the Lifeline, to increase subsidized care for face to face counseling, and to address the stigma around mental health through our outreach program.
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