Project Report
| Dec 28, 2020
Happy New Year 2021
By Tetyana V. Varenychenko | Project Leader
Penndco Parents Committee Supports our program!
Dear Donors,
Thank you to everyone who continues to support Penndco program during hard times. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 we are unable to work in person with our children who have required help in communication skills and social skills. We try to work through tele-intervention to providing the resources for parents and children. We encourage our parents to help their children in developing stronger social skills, vocabulary and communication by playing with toys and family members. We hope to greet the smiling faces again soon, and to hear the very important word "HI".
To encourage to develop child's communication we are sharing fun, materials and interactive websites. Every family report as well as feedback counts!
Penndco Parents and children appreciate GlobalGiving Foundation for the valuable support! Our Special Thank You is following to all Penndco Donors and Supporters!
Have a Happy and Healthy New Year 2021!
Happy New Year 2021
Oct 16, 2020
Therapy Through Technology
By Tetyana Varenychenko | Project Leader
Dear Donors,
We appreciate your financial support during a COVID-19 pandemic time. We would like to inform you that Penndco follows federal and state guidance on COVID-19 health and safety practices.
We are working with our children by using available technology for family and their child. We support our families in each step of child's development by providing the valuable recommendations for every child and every parent.
Daniil's parents shared that his son after three months of teletherapy lost his beginning social skills. David's father reported that family gets a lot of support and knowledge during our teletherapy. Roman's grandmother appreciates all supporters to get a teletherapy for her grandchild.
All children and their parents are waiting to come back to our classroom to continue to participate in person activities. Developing social skills is our main goal, and we hope to see our all children in a safe and healthy environment.
Our special thank you is following to all Penndco Donors and Supporters.
Tetyana Varenychenko
Jun 15, 2020
Support Health and Safe Playtime
By Tetyana Varenychenko | Project Leader
Dear our Donors,
During this time of respiratory illness including coronavirus and flu, community programs for children are taking extra precautions to ensure the continued health and safety of those served and those who provide services. Penndco therapists provide tele-intervention services for our children and their parents or family members by using the following technology applications such as Zoom, Skype, Viber, Face Time or phone conversations. We understand how important to provide opportunities to children and their parents by using some effective strategies, activities as well as suggestions especially during tele-intervention communication. Together we enjoy child's home activities by discussing child's progress and child's needs. Daniel's mother shared how important for her to participate with her child in tele-intervention program by learning new strategies how to help her son to play nicely with toys and adults at home and how to help him to follow daily routines appropriately.
We friendly remind our parents that health and safe playtime at home is a number one priority, and we need to follow through universal precautions and Penndco illness policies. We understand how our children with autism spectrum disorder require to have the social situations for increasing their social skills and communication. We have a huge hope to come back to Penndco for enjoying with our children and families the social life and wonderful greeting time.
Thank you all Penndco donors and supporters for providing financial support during last three months. We appreciate your help always!
Thank you for your cooperation! Stay healthy and safe!