On the 18th of May we will start our yearly 12 week long vocational and life training for women that want to come out of prostitution in Pattaya, Thailand. During the training the women will receive counseling, training on life issues like personal finances, how to make choices and can choose vocational training in sewing, hair dressing and beauty, cooking or baking. We offer free accomodation, food and pocket money for the duration of the training and will employ the women after as well.
More than 35000 women work in the sex industry of Pattaya. Many came into the city with wrong expectations and promises and are trapped providing sexual services for customers. Most of them have maybe a 6th grade education or less, so work in the sex industry is kind of the only option to earn a living. Through the vocational Training we give them the chance to get more education and change the focus of their whole life around.
Through the vocational and life training the women will receive help to work through their traumas and also get the chance to learn a vocation. Even after the program finishes we will look after the women and will either employ them in our own businesses or help them to find jobs elsewhere. We have run many trainings in the past years and were able to help many to a new life. One of the participants from the 2017 training is now the main cook in the Tamar Restaurant!
The participants will receive education and the option to learn a vocation with which they can earn a stable income and will be able to provide for themselves and their children. We are offering vocational Training in the areas of cooking, baking, sewing, handicraft making and hair dressing and beauty