This project will support the Social Good Brazil Lab; a social innovation incubator for early-stage, technology-related social initiatives that annually helps upwards of 100 Brazilian social entrepreneurs (Labbers) bring their ideas to fruition.|Este projeto ira apoiar o Social Good Brasil Lab: um programa de aceleracao para iniciativas sociais em estagio inicial que usam a tecnologia. Anualmente o Lab ajuda cerca de 100 empreendedores sociais brasileiros a tirarem suas ideias do papel.
As both the 7th largest and the 20th most inequal economy in the world, Brazil is in need of social change. But in Brazil, many social entrepreneurial ventures die out during the initial formation and growth phase with their potential for social change going with them.|O Brasil precisa de mudancas positivas, mas muitos negocios e projetos sociais deixam de existir ainda em seu periodo de formacao ou na fase de crescimento, deixando de realizar seu potencial para impacto social.
The SGB Lab takes over 100 inspired individuals through the process of turning their ideas into realities. In the four months long program, Labbers participate in extensive hands-on training, idea-prototyping and mentorship to prepare them to make pitches for the Lab seed fund.|O SGB Lab apoia cerca de 100 pessoas a transformarem suas ideias em realidade. Nos quatro meses de programa, os labbers participam de atividades mao na massa e recebem mentoria, para prepara-los para receber investimento.
The SGB Lab has already helped 249 social innovators create over 120 organizations in fields such as health, transportation and education. This year, we will be supporting another set of 100 innovators in creating ideas that can change the world.|O SGB Lab ja ajudou 249 inovadores sociais a criarem mais de 120 organizacoes em campos como saude, transporte e educacao. Esse ano, estaremos apoiando cerca de 100 pessoasa criarem ideias que podem mudar o mundo pra melhor.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).