Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy (RCRA), a Non-Governmental Organization operating in Uganda, is classified by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a foreign public charity, with a 501c3 status, EIN 98-1511659, with headquarters in Kasese, Uganda. RCRA envisions enabling climate-resilient, self-reliant, and thriving Ugandan rural communities with access to sustainable livelihoods, healthcare, and knowledge. RCRA is dedicated to fostering community empowerment in Uganda.
People living on the foothills of Mt. Rwenzori region face several development challenges and lives of extreme poverty hindering women and adolescent girls from effective economic participation and achieving autonomy in relation to their health and wellbeing. The region is known for high teenage pregnancies due to limited education for girls and poverty. Malnutrition due to poor feeding and childbirth spacing among women as well as climate change has particularly negative impacts on rural homes
We facilitate access to numerous integrated maternal, newborn, adolescent and child health services, in rural underserved remote communities in Ankole and Rwenzori regions. Our community and reproductive health services reach over 100,000 marginalized and vulnerable adolescents and women. We have provided health education talks to over 9,000 adolescent girls in school and provide pads. RCRA also provide sustainable livelihood and food nutrition supports to poor and often female-led households
Our work contributes to better health care outcomes for vulnerable women and adolescent girls. It increases women's and young mothers' participation in community development and markets. It supports adolescent girls to reach their full potential, complete their education and make informed decisions for their lives. It also improves health, food security and nutrition outcomes among poor families.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).
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