Support the education of 40 women in Quito

by Fundacion Rururbana - Mujeres de Frente
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Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito
Support the education of 40 women in Quito


[Eng.] The 'School for Feminist and Popular Political Education' supports educational processes based on literacy, knowledge exchange, women's leadership, co-research and participation in public debates from popular-feminism's perspective | [Esp.] La 'Escuela de Formacion Politica Feminista y Popular' sostiene procesos educativos basados en alfabetizacion, intercambio de saberes, formacion de lideresas, co-investigacion, publicacion y participacion en debates publicos desde el feminismo popular.

total goal
monthly donors


[Eng.] In Ecuador, 8% of the female population has no access to formal education, forcing women to accept unstable, precarious, and sometimes illegal jobs to survive. These injustices directly affect their children's lives | [Esp.] En Ecuador el 8% de la poblacion femenina no tiene acceso a educacion formal. Esto obliga a mujeres de sectores populares a aceptar trabajos inestables, precarios y/o ilegales para sobrevivir. La injusticia social tambien afecta la estabilidad de sus hijos e hijas.


[Eng.] The School will provide useful knowledge and skills so women have better job opportunities while strengthening their leadership and voices. We recognize their education as productive work so we will grant each woman an annual scholarship of $500 | [Esp.] La Escuela proporcionara conocimientos y destrezas utiles en el mundo laboral, fortalecera liderazgos y las voces de las estudiantes. Reconocemos la educacion como labor productiva, de modo que cada mujer recibira una beca anual de $500.

Long-Term Impact

[Eng.] Developing critical thinking, improving formal education skills, forming leaders, and strengthening Mujeres de Frente will enable women to collectively strive for a better life | [Esp.] El desarrollo de pensamiento critico, el fortalecimiento de destrezas escolares formales, la formacion de lideresas populares y el fortalecimiento de Mujeres de Frente es la base solida para seguir luchando colectivamente por una vida digna.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Fundacion Rururbana - Mujeres de Frente

Location: Quito, Pichincha - Ecuador
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @mujeresdfrente?lang=en
Project Leader:
Lorena Burbano
Quito , Pichincha Ecuador
$11,609 raised of $20,000 goal
281 donations
$8,391 to go
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