Support rural education in Argentina

by Fundacion San Genaro
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina
Support rural education in Argentina


Santiago del Estero is one of the poorest areas and has the largest rural population in Argentina . By empowering rural schools, we aim to develop the community, the families and children, focusing in three main subjects: education, nutrition and health. Our work improves the life of over 1300 primary students from 35 rural communities, reaching food security, guaranteeing health care, providing clean water access and enhancing educational quality.

total goal
monthly donors


According to the report presented by the UN (UNDP), Santiago del Estero is in the top of the Argentina's inequality ranking. This shows that the possibility of development for children and young people in this region is very low, especially for those who live in rural areas where access to a proper education, basic sanitation facilities, electricity and even drinking water are denied.


This project aims to improve the quality of life of rural communities in Santiago del Estero (Argentina). We work in activities focused on: 1) Education: we conduct workshops and training sessions on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and literature for both studentsand teachers; 2) Health and nutrition: we offer primary health care for rural children and families; and 3) Access to water: we implement solutions that enable communities to access safe water.

Long-Term Impact

Fundacion San Genaro has been developing this project since 2011, helping more than 45 rural communities, over 3000 rural children and 500 families, improving not only access to basic services but also providing the tools to improve the educational offer and quality of the rural schools in Santiago del Estero.


Organization Information

Fundacion San Genaro

Location: Buenos Aires - Argentina
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Patricio Marquinez
Villa Ojo de Agua , Santiago del Estero Argentina
$16,999 raised of $20,000 goal
259 donations
$3,001 to go
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