Project Report
| Apr 7, 2021
Goal Achieved!
By Amarilys Lozada | Fundraiser - Americorps Member
It’s been three years since Instituto Nueva Escuela started its partnership with GlobalGiving which has helped us to build a close relationship with our supporters.
Today we are happy to announce that by last December we successfully reached Support Puerto Rico's Public Montessori Project's goal for the time frame. Therefore, and as a part of a new fundraising strategy, we won’t be receiving any new donations via this initiative. We are so grateful for your support during these past three years, in which the Montessori Public schools project has risen above challenges and continues to grow strong.
We are proud to keep serving communities in many ways; from helping a school in Aguada to receive their students safely during the pandemic, to help a community in Ciales to reopen a new Montessori school for their children.
We want to invite you to keep supporting us in our new fundraising goal via the new project Support Montessori Public Education in Puerto Rico and to follow us on social media to stay updated with our organization's work.
If you are a recurrent donor, you don’t have to worry about your donations. They will continue to be received by Instituto Nueva Escuela.
Thank you so much for working with us for a better Puerto Rico.
Feb 2, 2021
10 Highlights of INE's 2020
By Amarilys Lozada | Fundraiser
In lights of this hopeful new year, we are sharing with you 10 highlights of how, with your help, INE served the Public Montessori Community in one of the most challenging years yet.
- 37 Public Montessori Schools were visited and allowed us to identify needs to ensure a successful implementation of the Montessori methodology in the communities.
- 5 of our schools were benefited from an alliance that established an entrepreneurship program called SEEDS.
- 5 conferences were coordinated for our students with astronomers and farmers.
- 100 people from this school communities participated in astronomy nights.
- 37 teachers were certified as Montessori guides by INE and the American Montessori Society.
- 136 principals, teachers and assistants started or continued their training in Montessori education.
- 338 follow-up visits to teachers were made by our academic staff.
- 1,079 members from this communities participated in alternative and recreational therapies through our "Casa Familiar" program.
- 11,270 "Cajitas Viajeras" with Montessori materials were delivered for the students to use at home.
- 97% of our families said they would recommend their Montessori Public School when surveyed.
Thank you for your role in the transformation of the public schools in Puerto Rico.
Oct 5, 2020
Montessori thrives in challenging times
By Amarilys Lozada | Grant Writer VISTA
Instituto Nueva Escuela's (INE) mission is to accompany, train and servecommunities in Puerto Rico through public Montessori education to develop prepared human beings that contribute to the common good.
We train public school staff in Montessori curriculum, work hand in hand with the communities and provide them resources and strategies to empower them and to help them thrive.
Thanks to the generosity of donors like you INE has faced the challenges of the pandemic and continued to be there for the Montessori public school community in order to give continuity to the high quality education all its students deserve. The collaborative work with the communities have strengthened successful initiatives, such as:
- Montessori at Home: This project that was born out of the Covid-19 emergency keeps growing stronger and now includes educational guides to help the teachers, assistants and even families in the important task of working with children and youth in their home environment. These guides are available online for all the levels from Infants to High School.
- Cajitas Viajeras: Thanks to many donors and alliances, our amazing assistants could make "Montessori materials" adapted for the students to use at home. These materials, mostly made out of laminated cardstock, replicate the ones available in the classrooms and support academic areas like geography, geometry, psychomotor skills, movement, practical life, music, language and mathematics. The packages also includesd books, pencils and other instruments depending on the student level.
- Virtual Montessori Courses: For the first time in INE's history Montessori courses were taught online. An evaluation made by the participants show that 94% were satisfied with the work of the facilitators and resources, highlighting as positive aspects their punctuality, commitment, fulfillment of the agenda and the offer of rich material while 99% evaluated the virtual courses as a good experience.
- "Casa Familiar" Online: Through the Casa Familiar strategy INE has been serving families who have been impacted by any circumstances that affect their wellbeing. During the pandemic professionals from Casa Familiar have been offering music therapy, recreational activities, yoga, telepsychology among other services using the technology. This summer the project was selected by the Director of the External Resources Division, Mrs. Mariela Cabán from the PR Department of Justice as one of the most successful projects.
Now more than ever, the continuity of the education of the students in public Montessori schools is a matter of social justice and equity and we are gratetful to have you in our side for this important task.