OSSO Orphanage serves 22 children living with special needs in Cuenca, Ecuador. These children live with conditions from autism to cerebral palsy, and are 100% dependent on the orphanage for medical care, therapies, medicines, daily care, nutrition and education.
22 Ecuadorian children have been left as orphans, but luckily have found a home at OSSO orphanage. The orphanage provides wonderful services, but struggles when it comes to collecting sufficient resources for the children. Children suffering from cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and more grave diseases are immobile, and thus require intensive personal care and costly medical treatments.
This project will allow the orphanage to be able to provide the full range of medical and personal care that the kids truly need. OSSO will not need to doubt how they will pay for the children's extra medical bills and emergency surgeries, but rather be confident that the care of the children is no longer a financial struggle.
By investing in OSSO, you can ensure holistic care of each child and know that their future will be brighter. You will help us bring needed materials, such as medicine and diapers, to provide immediate care to each child, while also supporting a long-term impact on each child through critical services such as physical therapy, linguistic therapy, and special education.
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