Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth

by Limitless Horizons IXIL
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth
Support literacy and learning for 1,900 Maya youth


Our Saber Sin Limites (Limitless Knowledge) Community Library is the first and only public library in the indigenous town of Chajul, Guatemala. Library users have access to over 10,000 books, multiple microscopes, and STEM resources. Two local librarians work to make reading fun and accessible for Chajul's children and their families. You can help us continue to serve local children and provide quality services to the whole community.

total goal
monthly donor


Due to a lack of literacy and education stemming from the country's civil war, many people in Chajul remain unable to advocate for themselves, access key resources, and obtain good jobs. Schools lack the most basic educational materials, while illiterate parents are unable to provide their children with any academic support. Most homes lack the space or light needed for children to learn. Currently, only 3% of Chajul's youth will graduate from high school, perpetuating the cycle of poverty.


By offering a much-needed learning environment, reading materials, and homework assistance to 1,900 Maya children, the library bridges the gaps in Chajul's education system. With story hour (currently conducted over the radio during the COVID-19 pandemic), cultural story hour, reading club, and field days, our library acts as a powerful introduction to learning and literacy for the children of Chajul!

Long-Term Impact

Today's youth are tomorrow's leaders. Chajul needs well educated and civic-minded leaders to create solutions to the economic, health, education, and environmental challenges facing the community. LHI recognizes that youth need a supportive and resourceful community, and a culture that promotes education, to become these leaders. By expanding its resources and services, our community library is creating a culture of learning in Chajul and a generation that values literacy and education!


Organization Information

Limitless Horizons IXIL

Location: San Gaspar Chajul, El Quiche - Guatemala
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Emma Bourke
Chajul , Quiche Guatemala
$40,080 raised of $50,000 goal
372 donations
$9,920 to go
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