Support for Mid-day Meal to 85 working children

by Health Education Adoption Rehabilitation Development Society (HEARDS)
Support for Mid-day Meal to 85 working children


This major project will change the dire state of malnutrition faced by 85 working children studying at the HEARDS rehabilitation Centre. This is done by cooking nutritious mid-day meal with essential ingredients by helping them develop their body and their mind so that they can focus on their studies without a worry about their health or the food. Consequently the underprivileged children will increase health status, regular attendance and will be free from dreadful diseases.

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Our kids face malnutrition because they are coming from the most downtrodden families where their parents are bonded laborers working for low wages. Due to hunger the children also go for work along with their parents. Also the food prepared at their homes does not contain the essential ingredients that provide nutrients for the healthy growth of the children's mind and the body.


HEARDS provides nutritious mid-day meal for the mal nutritious and starving poor children. Feeding the children with healthy meals includes rice, dhal, vegetable curry, boiled egg in our centers will improve the health status. Each noon meal is well-balanced and consists of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and micronutrients. For many children, this is perhaps the only good meal that they have in the day. If fully funded, this project will provide noon meal for 85 children in 2018-19.

Long-Term Impact

Malnutrition is definitely phased out and hunger is addressed. This project impact will mainstream the working children into the regular Government schools in future. This project will also lead to meet the basic needs of these vulnerable children and they will get a new life through gaining knowledge, education and life skills. Students will focus on their studies without the worry of their health and food, thus helping them performing well and get better grades.


Organization Information

Health Education Adoption Rehabilitation Development Society (HEARDS)

Location: Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh - India
Health Education Adoption Rehabilitation Development Society (HEARDS)
Kuriyakose Sajan
Project Leader:
Kuriyakose Sajan
Chittoor , Andhra Pradesh India

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