The Month of Tulips is the title of a project involving both real and drawn tulips being delivered to oncological departments of hospitals. It is a month of understanding and hope for oncological patients and their families.
It is an event prepared and delivered each year in March by Amelie, a non-profit organization which provides support to this large group of people. Everybody knows someone diagnosed with cancer. It is a very exhausting and distressing illness and psychosocial help to these people and those surrounding them is tremendously useful. It can be done by volunteers in hospitals or by specialists in Centres like those run by Amelie.
Unfortunately, in the Czech Republic, such a help has not been widely available. Often, affected individuals do not realize they need it and that there is someone ready to help them. In the Centres of Amelie in Prague, Liberec, Olomouc and Rakovník, the oncologically ill people and their relatives can get information and advice from psychologists, psychotherapists and social workers. The Month of Tulips aims to get this message through to broad public.
This is the objective of the project. The campaign is promoted in hospitals, Amelie Centres, and in selected public spaces. Workshops and lectures are held throughout the month of March.