Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders

by Yayasan Ekoturisme Indonesia
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders
Help Educate East Bali Youth to be Future Leaders


In Manikaji, an isolated subsistence farming community living high up the steep volcanic ash slopes of Mount Abang, everybody was illiterate before East Bali Poverty Project (EBPP) opened a school in 2001. Since then, thanks to private sector donations, we have educated more than 340 children, sponsored 4 to university and started agroforestry after school classes. This project will enable EBPP to continue providing quality academic & extracurricular education for Manikaji children aged 7-19

total goal
monthly donors


Access to education in this area is severely limited as the nearest government primary and middle schools are 6 km away, a challenging two-hour walk down a steep and winding dirt road; and the closest high school is over 20 km away, with no public transport. And government schools do not provide extracurricular classes - or sustainable agriculture/farming classes. Thus, EBPP School is the sole educational institution accessible to these remote Manikaji mountain families


We need your support to continue to provide free, high-quality, and integrated education to school-age children, plus comprehensive extra-curricular courses focussing on life skills, advanced computer classes, and job & university readiness. We believe that all parents will encourage and support their children in attending school, allowing them to learn and grow as most parents are illiterate due to financial constraints or limited educational opportunities during their own school years

Long-Term Impact

Continue empowering students to graduate with the knowledge and life skills essential to establish local businesses, pursue meaningful employment, or advance to university education. Starting in 2023, our high school curriculum incorporates dryland permaculture and agroforestry, promoting enhanced soil fertility for planting nutritious food, multi-beneficial trees, and cash crops. This focus will guide our students in leading their communities toward sustainable social and economic development

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Yayasan Ekoturisme Indonesia

Location: Denpasar - Indonesia
Project Leader:
David Booth
Denpasar , Bali Indonesia

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