The project is the weakening of the illegal trade with absolutely protected sumatran Slow loris in North Sumatra through enabling effective enforcement of the laws. The cornerstone of achieving this goal is construction of a rehabilitation center for confiscated individuals with the organization ISCP cooperate to the Department of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (BKSDA) North Sumatra. Also be followed pet trade monitoring, education and rehabilitation before release into the wild.
Slow lorises sold as pets have typically been taken illegally from the wild in Southeast Asia. The illegal pet trade is one of the major threats to the wild population, which is also at risk due to habitat loss and poaching for traditional medicines. - And in North Sumatra still have no slow lorises rehabilitation yet and ISCP think need it very urgent .
By continuing cooperate to the the Department of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (BKSDA) North Sumatra as the goverment give permit and MoU to ISCP to run Slow loris rehabilitation and rescue plus also continuing cooperate to another local NgO in awareness and education program for Slow loris. - So ISCP need to rehabilitation slow lorises from the confiscated and release it into the wild that still no the same rehabilitation center for slow lorises in North Sumatra.
Will remain sustainable to the Slow loris conservation help specially to reduce mitigation conflict between farmer and slow loris through ISCP cooperate with BKSDA as mediator to reduce conflict between farmers in village and slow loris.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).