This project will support orphans and vulnerable children live sustainable livelihood by improving food security and economic power of child headed families in Kibuku, Butebo, Pallisa and Budaka Districts in Eastern Uganda through provision of seeds and agricultural equipment to undergo food production and goats for income generation. to facilitate access to education , health care services, and home basic needs.
Of the 7.2 million households in the country, about 28,800 are child-headed. This results from factors such as loss of parents, broken families due to gender based violence and abandonment. Such children are unable to provide the necessary care and love to their young ones. Food production is normally inadequate, medical care, education and other basic needs are hard to come -by, in such a family headed by children. Therefore, they need support.
This project will help child headed families with trainings in sustainable agriculture, provide planting seeds of Maize, beans and disease/drought resistant cassava planting materials for production to enhance these families have access to adequate food for consumption at all times and sale surplus to improve household incomes. Child headed families will multiply cassava and distribute planting materials to other child headed family members and others.
This project will alleviate poverty and hunger among 180 child headed families households. It will raise incomes of child headed families and enable them ave access to adequate food for consumption and sale sale surplus to secure home basic requirements
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).
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