Sumitha (name changed) is an intellectually challenged girl child , residing with her parents in KGF. She comes from a very poor family , with unemployed parents . There are several such children in this town. This project is being created to help support such children, with therapy and training, to change and improve their lives, with proper nutrition and health. Your kind support can and will make a big difference in the lives of such children.
Sumitha is intellectually challenged and very poor. She needs Therapy and Training on the Activities of Daily Life (ADL) , in order to sustain her living. Her parents being very poor cannot afford to provide her with the same. There are several such children living in this region who need to be helped. All of them are from underprivileged families and have no means of sustenance, leave alone therapy and training. This project will help in gathering funds to achieve this goal
This project will help in gathering funds to achieve the goal amount that can provide Therapy and Training for Sumitha and similarly affected children, for a year.
Sumitha will be self dependent and will be able to perform her daily life activiies , independenttly. This will also bring relief to her family. Also, through this project we hope to bring changes in the lives of many similarly disabled children in this area. You will bring about much improvement and happiness in their families as well.
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