From the GlobalGiving funds and funds from friends, we put up a poultry project that has done us proud. We sold the poultry and bought uniforms for our football team at St. Joseph's Eshirumba. We are indeed grateful. This has contributed to our schools being best in sports in the county. We are shining both academically and in sports!
The benevolent kitty funded by our teachers, continues to support the needs of our students that are not able to be met through family or government programs. The kitty has enabled us to provide needy boys and girls with personal hygiene needs and helped sustain our lunch programme which ensures student attendance remains strong.
Three widow groups have received The Virtues Project Training: Eshirumba Widows Group, Eshibeye Widows Group and Mwiyenga Widows Group. This has been a great achievement because these widows are parents in the two schools where they have become very responsible and purposeful in their care of the learners in their custody. Their learners now attend school regularly and this has improved their performance.
Another teacher group also received The Virtues Project Training.
Training of teachers and widows has led to purposeful, committed and excellent learners in academics, sports, drama and music. We are nurturing learners talents, especially those who are challenged. Mentorship Programmes and Virtues Club meetings are still key in our schools and help in shaping character and behaviour of our learners and team.
Donor friends have enabled us to take care of a grade 2 learner who has Sickle Cell Anemia to meet check-ups and get a required diet, as well as, pay a hospital bill for an orphan who had been admitted with an intestinal obstruction. They have helped us purchase livestock, chickens, gardening supplies that provide much needed income to help us cover costs. They have provided money for food and uniforms.
What could we have done if it wasn't for your generosity, empathy, caring, compassion and unconditional love? Thank you so much!
1. Funding our lunch programme. The orphans need additional food support.
2. Covering costs for more trainings for teachers, parents, youths and widows.
3. Virtues materials for the trained parents and widows are needed.
4. School uniforms for orphans and needy learners. Uniforms are required to attend school.
5. Income earning projects for widows to sustain their needs and responsibilities.
6. Raising money for a tent and chairs, shelter for trainings and widows selling their wares.
We look forward to engaging widows with their projects so thay they can help to support the school programmes. strengthening our benevolent kitty to help the needy learners, improving our poultry and vegetable projects to meet the needs of our medically challenged learners, and always opportunities to continue to provide The Virtues Project Training to others.
Thank you again for your kind and generous support.