Bhutan embraced democracy in 2008, and to this day there is a heavy reliance on the Government to provide and a weak culture of participatory planning and public involvement in community development. Zhemgang is the poorest district in Bhutan with poverty rate of 41.4% as per Bhutan's National Statistics Bureau Report, 2022. Students will champion their voice and promote participatory & inclusive people-centred planning and implementation of activities in their communities.
Zhemgang is the poorest district in Bhutan ( with the share of poor individuals at 7.8% as per NSB Report, Bhutan 2022). Zhemgang is distantly located from the capital and has minimal infrastructure as compared to the rest of the Districts. Furthermore, the literacy rate for aged six years and above for the district is 62.7% (66.7 for non poor & 57.1 for the poor) , which is lower than the national average literacy rate of 70.6%.
Building up the capacity of the youth in the community (through using the school system) to both understand the importance of participatory and inclusive needs-based planning and champion giving the community needs their voice, as well as in educating their family members and community on the importance of proper planning and implementation to foster development and growth of the district. The youth leaders will also be enabled to work with Local Government and central government officials.
Zhemgang becomes a well-planned and developed district where its people enjoy improved services and infrastructure devleopment.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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