By supporting this project you will assure that children and youth with developmental disabilities in Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) have free access to sports and physical activities. This is vital for their health, fitness and overall well being, as sports activities also act as a form of active therapy and as such help individuals with developmental disabilities become more independent and integrated into society.
People with developmental disabilities in Bosnia are left on the brink of the society and are often excluded or discriminated against, while their families have little support. While there are number of NGOs working with this population, all the necessary activities and treatments are being payed by the families of the children with developmental disabilities, thus leaving a big burden on them. This results in that many individuals with disabilities are left without the needed professional help.
Our School enables that children and youth with developmental disabilities have free access to sports and physical activities. Professionals working with them provide them and their families with key support in both their physical and mental development, while also teaching them healthy life habits. These activities will also help families to provide other much needed treatments and activities for their children.
Just like everyone else, people with developmental disabilities can achieve many things in life. Also like everyone else, they need support, and more than that, they need opportunity. Through this project we aim to empower children and youth with developmental disabilities with skills and confidence to thrive in life. We hope to see our athletes become Special Olympians, but also to see them become equal and valuable members of society.