Youth Sport Trust International is a sport for development charity passionate about the power of sport to improve young people's life chances. We are seeking funding to upskill practitioners in 500+ schools in Karachi, Pakistan and increase sporting opportunities for children.
We have been working with teachers from 115 schools in the most disadvantaged areas of Karachi and Orangi Town (the world's largest slum). 90% of teachers in these schools are female and do not receive any formal physical education training. Many schools have limited space for physical activity and do not have dedicated time in their curriculum for physical education classes. Girls do not always receive the same opportunities to participate in physical activity as boys.
Our current programme provides physical education (PE) training for teachers to enable them to teach the sports of cricket and rounders. Training helps them to deliver skill-based games for large classes with limited equipment and upskills them to be able to set up small competitions within PE lessons and breaktimes. Each school is given a small bag of sports equipment to kick start their activities and is supported by an in-country project team. Once schools have been delivering activities in
Teachers learn new strategies to increase participation, improve their teacher skills and in turn their own confidence. All children in participating schools are given the opportunity to take part in high quality, inclusive PE lessons, developing not only their physical ability but life skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication.
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