The project will ensure vulnerable children get the basics of life including education at our schools, brilliant, needy, orphan, boys and girls from poor backgrounds will be considered. Children from impoverished homes often go hungry to school, unsure of lunch or even supper at their homes, the dress code is always poor, many miss class because of fees, meals, uniform or even scholastic items, girls often lack sanitary pads or even given less attention. At Kasese Humanist school we want to help
There are so many orphans and needy children in our community and this has been brought about by so many challenges like the rebel insurgencies by the Allied Democratic Forces rebels attacking our communities, the high rates of unemployment, diseases and poaching activities on wildlife in Queen Elizabeth national park. Most of our parents are subsistence peasants, other do petty jobs while others are unemployed, there are high cases of school dropouts, teenage pregnancies and bad cultural norms.
Children will be given education at our schools in Rukoki, Muhokya and Kahendero. Children will be offered scholastic items like pens, pencils, crayons, exercise books, clothings, school uniforms to ensure their life in school is conducive. A feeding program will be boosted as more food will be sourced out for the children. Medicines as first aid will be sourced out periodically and ensure sick children are treated. Teachers will be beneficiaries as they will get improved salaries
There will be less chances of school dropouts at our schools as those from poor family backgrounds will be in position to keep in school and concentrate on their studies. There will be an improved quality of life for our students, the teachers and our school in general as we hope to serve more children under this project, this means our child sponsorship program will progress and diligently serve more school going children in our community.
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