Cancer treatment is very intense and the child then experiences the painful body or its alteration (skin alteration, hair and eyebrow loss, weight...). For several years, we offers weekly therapeutic support workshop sessions to patients at the Lille & Dunkerque hospitals. It brings them relief, enhance self-esteem, facilitate family relations & many other psychological/physical positive effects. In a few years, the services have seen an increase in the number of patients welcomed.
Cancer treatment is very intense and the patient then experiences the painful body or its alteration : fragile skin, hair and eyebrow loss, weight... This leads to a great psychological/emotional fragility, and by repercussion to relational difficulties with parents/siblings/children.
Socio-aesthetics care can prevent and relieve the undesirable effects of treatments (compatible skin creams, wigs, eyebbrows reconstruction), enhance self-esteem, relax and comfort. When familiy is involved, the bonds can be maintained or recreated (through massage exercises...). Our help, thanks to you, will help support all and each of the patients in the service.
Less medications, better psychological and emotional strengh, better relations within the family and avoid psychological long terme effects ; facilitate reintegration (professional, friends...).
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