This project will send 100 at-risk, stateless migrants through the Shan Youth Safety Training to End Risk Migration (SYSTERM). SYSTERM will provide intensive leadership training to support the willing youth to build self-help projects in their country of origin in either independent groups or with the support of carefully-selected host organizations. The goal of this project is to build the next generation of anti-human trafficking NGOs to protect women and children and develop the community.
Migration trends and policies have created a dangerous environment for thousands of children and women. Ethnic minority groups remain stateless depriving them of identification cards, legal work, medical care, human rights protection, and education. Human trafficking network hubs have targeted the border areas for easy recruitment. Chiang Rai, our province, is believed to be the greatest transition gateway of all kinds of labor trafficking and sale of vulnerable stateless migrants in Thailand.
1. Form a youth leader network to prevent at-risk migration from occurring at their country/state of origin. 2. Provide intensive leadership education along with literacy and life skills training to 100 at-risk, stateless youth from the Thailand-Myanmar border and within the Golden Triangle (Thailand-Laos PDR-Myanmar) 3. Transfer training & education values into self-sufficiency in order to prevent victimization or being pushed into sexual or labor human trafficking or other forms
The next generation of anti-human trafficking leaders, NGOs, and youth groups will be created and equipped with the ability to tackle the problems their communities face with migration and statelessness, the inability to obtain citizenship in any country. Imagine the impact if DEPDC/GMS alone has saved 7000 children!
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).