La educacion y la ninez estan pasando por una crisis nunca antes vista. En una busqueda de apoyar a nuestros ninos, SER y Ensena por Mexico nos hemos aliado para seguir lideres y agentes de cambio que puedan ofrecer una educacion de calidad. SER & Ensena por Mexico come together to support the promotion of leaders for the educational system. The COVID-19 pandemic elevated an already existing crisis in the education sector and it is time to create alliances.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 190 countries and all continents - more than 30 million just in Mexico. This adds to an already existing serious crisis in the educational sector in Mexico, where only 1.5 out of every 10 children go to university and many barriers exist for the most vulnerable children and young people to access quality education.
SER & Ensena por Mexico will work together in promoting leadership skills in education agents who collaborate in vulnerable schools in order for children and youth to be able to access their full potential. Educational agents will work along with students, teachers, principals and community members and together promote a culture of responsibility and transformation that can prepare children and youth for tomorrow's crisis.
We are convinced that leaders create leaders. Good leadership in vulnerable schools helps foster both a positive and motivating culture for learners. In order to achieve educational equality, educational communities must be able to lead more than just a classroom lesson. Today's educators must develop the leadership skills to direct organizational change, generate cooperative agreements between different stakeholders and navigate various challenges.