The Caribbean Education Foundation, Inc. (CEF) has awarded its 2013 Paul Bogle Scholarships to 25 brilliant, poor children to attend high schools in Jamaica. The Scholarships total $2.5 Million Jamaican dollars.
Paul Bogle Scholarships are awarded to qualified and talented children who graduated from Primary Schools and passed their exams to attend High Schools but are in financial need. The Scholarships pay: school fees, text books, school supplies, lunch and transportation.
Caribbean Education Foundation maintains high standards for its scholarship recipients. As is evidenced from the high caliber of students who are awarded Paul Bogle Scholarships, CEF Scholars are among the best and brightest; and attending Top High Schools throughout Jamaica.
CEF's President, Nikiki Bogle, explains why Paul Bogle Scholarships are important, “Public High Schools in Jamaica are NOT FREE. It is a tremendous challenge for the working poor to provide the resources to send children to public high schools in Jamaica. We cannot leave an entire population of brilliant children to a life sentence of poverty with no opportunity for progress. Education will provide them with opportunities for success.” Read more…
CEF has added a New Video to our Project! Please visit our Project Page and check it out. Let us know what you think about it! It features Paul Bogle Scholarship Recipient, Ravorn, who has been in our High School Program since 2010.
The funds you generously donated in 2013 to this Project helped to send 7 additional children to high school in Jamaica! THANK YOU! We had already provided 10 student scholarships, so our total would have been 17 children in school. Due to additional generosity, CEF was able to send 8 more children to attend high school on partial scholarships for the semester. This means we were only able to help these 8 children get through December 2013. These 8 children still need our help to continue high school in January 2014!
CEF needs to raise the remaining funds and help our 8 additional children continue in high school and be fully funded with textbooks and transportation in January 2014. We simply cannot abandon these brilliant children and leave them without meaningful access to education! The following children still need funding to continue to attend high school in January 2014: Ravorn, Romilla, Tahjay, Kamiela, Nicole, Andre, Dania and Janneil.
MEET JANNEIL: She needs to get back to high school in January 2014
Janneil is one of the students who need help to continue high school in January 2014. She is currently an "A" student at Immaculate Conception High School in Jamaica. Janneil is 14 years old and in Grade 9. Janneil was a top scholar throughout her education at St. Peter Claver Primary School. Her grades range from 90% to100%. Janneil earned high scores on the Grade Six Achievement (GSAT) in every subject, including 97% in Mathematics and 97% in Language Arts. She works hard to keep her grade average at an A or A+ and has a positive attitude. Janneil aspires to become a Criminal Lawyer.
JANNEIL - CEF Paul Bogle Scholarship Recipient 2011-2013
Janneil lives in the inner city of Kingston 11 with her parents and 20 people. She is one of 10 children and her father lost his job. Her mother is working, but earns $16,000 JA ($186 U.S.) per month. There is severe financial strain on the family. Janneil did not know how she was going to pay school fee to attend shool or buy books to learn and do homework. She wants to be given an opportunity to succeed. This scholarship drives Janneil to improve her physical, mental and academic abilities.
Please help CEF help Janneil and the other 7 children by contributing and speading the word!!!
Our CEF Paul Bogle Scholarship Awards Banquet will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2014 at Altamont Court Hotel in New Kingston, Jamaica. Please JOIN US if you are going to be in Jamaica! Attendance is by Invitation Only and you are all invited. Order Early Bird Tickets via Eventbrite:http://cefbanquet.eventbrite.com/?aff=efbevent
EXCITING NEWS! CEF "Send a Poor Child to High School in Jamaica" Global Giving Project http://goto.gg/8694 has also been APPROVED for Microsoft's YouthSpark Initiative!!! Microsoft's YouthSpark opportunity is only available to GlobalGiving's Leaders and Superstars. Our project is now eligible for various YouthSpark funding opportunities, including Gap Inc., Hilton Honors and Your Cause. Big Thank You to Global Giving and Microsoft!
AMAZON SMILE: Do you, your family, or friends shop on Amazon? If so, shop through the recently launched AmazonSmile and select Caribbean Education Foundation, Inc. as the beneficiary charity! Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Caribbean Education Foundation whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know! Same products, same prices, same service. Support your CEF by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com. https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-8816602
EBAY: Caribbean Education Foundation, Inc. is now registered with EBay Giving Works! If you shop or sell items through Ebay, please select CEF. Read more...
On December 7, 2013, CEF President, Nikiki Bogle, Esq. was the KEYNOTE SPEAKER for Boston J.U.M.P. (Jamaica United Mission for Progress) 6th Anniversary Gala in Boston! Boston JUMP is a wonderful charity that helps needy children in Boston and Jamaica in early childhood education. JUMP also sponsored a child for the Caribbean Education Foundation Paul Bogle Scholarship in 2012. It was an HONOR and PLEASURE for Ms. Bogle to speak with 350+ of JUMP's supporters. Boston JUMP is helping to change the world. When you give a poor child access to education, you are opening doors for opportunities and success! You are giving that child a LIFE.
In October 2013, CEF President, Nikiki Bogle, Esq. was named a "Jamaican Hero and Role Model" by Page One Newspaper! Read more...
Please make a Year-End tax-deductible GIFT to CEF and/or donate in honor of a loved one! We need your help to contribute and spead the word!!!
Thank you very much for your generosity! You have made the education of brilliant, poor children possible. You are helping to change the world.
Have a wonderful holiday season with your family! Our CEF Team wishes you all the best in the New Year when it arrives.
Best Wishes,
Nikiki T. Bogle, Esq.
President & CEO
Caribbean Education Foundation, Inc.