We will provide high-quality learning guides to 120 rural children from 10 Colombian one-classroom, one-teacher schools of Putumayo, Tolima, and Magdalena. These schools were selected because their teachers participated, with great performance, in a professional development course on active, and cooperative learning practices delivered by FEN. The learning guides develop a child-centered methodology that promotes cooperative learning, as well as flexible, personalized, and independent learning.
The teachers of these 10 rural schools have been successfully trained in active, participatory child-centered learning approaches, yet they lack the learning materials for their students to adequately develop this approach. In general, many marginalized Colombian learners lack high-quality, pedagogically appropriate learning resources, particularly important in primary and elementary education to develop basic reading, writing, and math skills, as well as promote higher-level thinking skills.
FEN will provide self-paced, self-directed learning guides to 120 students from rural schools of Putumayo, Tolima, and Magdalena (Colombia), designed with the Escuela Nueva methodology, which has proven effective in promoting cooperative, participatory, and active learning, as well as developing strong social and emotional skills. In addition, they link learning experiences with the family and the community and stimulate the development of critical thinking, creativity, and 21st-century skills.
This concrete project helps to narrow the learning gap between rural and urban learners, contributing to our long term goal of enabling all children, regardless of their context, to have access to high-quality education and opportunities to develop their human potential.