School Farms for School Meals ensure the availability, utilization and access to school meals. It recognizes the link between education, nutrition and skill development and is improving access to all. School Farms for School Meals increases school attendance, retention and active teaching and learning activities in schools by more than 25 percent.
Community schools are increasingly faced with the challenge of funding school meals due to limited government support, the rise in food cost and market failures. There are 5000 students that need support with school meals in order to have an uninterrupted teaching and learning activities.
School Farms for School Meals ensures the availability, utilization and access to nutritious in-school meals. Community schools are supported by School Farms and key stakeholders to grow their own organic food. School Farms prioritizes the growing of staple crops, vegetables, and fruits. With produce from the farm, schoolchildren are offered a sustainable in-school nutritious meal for healthy growth and mental development.
School Farms for School Meals increases school attendance, retention and active teaching and learning activities in schools by more than 25 percent. Reduction in the school's feeding budget will also reflect the percentage reduction in the cost of accessing education. The anthropometric and clinical methods of assessing nutritional status to assess the students with collaboration from the local Nutrition Office and the local Ministry of Health.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).