Scholarships to College Students with Disabilities

by Springboard Foundation
Scholarships to College Students with Disabilities
Scholarships to College Students with Disabilities
Scholarships to College Students with Disabilities
Scholarships to College Students with Disabilities
Scholarships to College Students with Disabilities
Scholarships to College Students with Disabilities
Scholarships to College Students with Disabilities
Scholarships to College Students with Disabilities


This project's goal is to provide scholarships to contribute to the increase in employment opportunities for college students with disabilities. This project will provide 8 general scholarships to full-time college students who have documented disabilities of any type. The qualified student must be a full-time student currently attending a four-year college or university during the year. In addition, must have already completed 24-credits and a GPA 3.0 or above.

total raised
monthly donors


The mission of this Foundation is to provide scholarships to college students who have documented disabilities. Approximately 11% of college freshman last year were such students. Since society has still not caught up with the realization that people with disabilities can and do go to college though typically with many more constraints than the typical college student, scholarships of this nature do not exist.


This project will help corporations and organizations to become more aware of the opportunities to hire outstanding academically college students with disabilities to work in their company's professional positions.

Long-Term Impact

With the "silver tsunami" of an aging workforce, corporations are looking for new sources for talent. This segment of the population is growing at a huge rate and will provide a tremendous talent pool as long as they have the education required.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Springboard Foundation

Location: Mendham, NJ - USA
Springboard Foundation
Ashley Lawrence
Project Leader:
Ashley Lawrence
Mendham , NJ United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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