Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand

by Hand to Hand Foundation
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand
Scholarship's for Slum Kids in Pattaya Thailand


The Hand to Hand Foundation supports poor families living in the slums so that they can continue caring for their children, rather than abandoning them into ophanages. Our scholarship program is crucial as the lack of finances for education is one of the key factors parents abandon their child. In an orphanage their child will get free education, food and housing. For some, the decision to leave their child, is the most loving choice they have. We believe every child needs their family.

total goal
monthly donor


Many adults living in the slum have never been to school, resulting in a high illteracy rate, resulting in them being unable to find secure employment. Financially unable to send their child to school, they are often left with the choice of abandoning them into orpahnges. Apart from the financial needs, these students need to have house registration papers and birth certificates. The Hand to Hand Foundation works with the social welfare department and other agencies to help with these documents.


Through providing scholarships for students to attend school will firstly assist families with the cost of education, encourging them to keep and care for their children in a family environment. Secondly, educating children, will give the students more opportunities as adults for employment as they will be literate.

Long-Term Impact

The long term impact is helping families to break the poverty cycle by providing education, which leads to more employment opportunities. As the students become more literate, they will be able to assist their parents with day to day tasks. This will not only impact this generation but generations to come. In the future, these current students will have the resources to educate their own children, skills to apply for documentation such as birth certificates, creating a positive ripple efffect.


Organization Information

Hand to Hand Foundation

Location: Pattaya - Thailand
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Margaret Grainger
Pattaya , Thailand
$11,795 raised of $15,000 goal
35 donations
$3,205 to go
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