This project is to provide scholarships to 60 girls to study the nursing course in St. Mary's School of Nursing organized by Women for Women (WFW). They were stopped with 12th standard because of poverty. The girls have the interest and motivation in studying the professional course. WFW is willing to admit the girls for the course. With the scholarship the girls will be able to meet the expenses relating to books, notebooks, uniforms, exam fees, training materials, and hostel expenses.
This project will provide financial help to 60 girls to study the nursing course organized by St. Mary's School of Nursing. All of them were stopped with 12th standard because of poverty.Studying the course would help them earn sustainable livelihood. With increase of separations and divorces, dowry related atrocities, suicides among young married girls, it is important that girls acquire professional skills to stand on their own legs with employment & income throughout the year.
Women For Women will facilitate admission of the 60 girls to study the nursing course in St. Mary's School of Nursing. By receiving this diploma the beneficiary girls will be able to find remunerative employment in nearby towns. Many doctors from towns and cities are opening up clinics and hospitals. WFW will arrange for job placements to the girls when they complete the course. Families will be relieved of tension in spending for the education of the girls.
With many doctors from towns and cities opening up clinics and hospitals in rural areas, there are ample job opportunities for the girls near to their homes. The confidence level of the girls will improve with liquid money in hands. With continuous motivation the health seeking behaviour of all family members will improve. The image of the girls will improve in family and society. There will be no need for them to be dependents when they get married. They will set examples for other girls.