Belize Bird Rescue is the only multi-species avian rescue facility in Belize, rescuing orphaned, injured and illegally trafficked parrots and other wild birds of the Central American Rain-forests.
We respond to all calls for assistance for avian emergencies, housing up to 200 wild birds at any time. Most are at-risk parrots requiring 2 to 9 years of rehabilitation before release. We receive no government funding, relying on donations and sponsorship to cover costs. Belize Bird Rescue works closely with Belize's Forest Department, providing practical support, transportation and training free of charge, as the government simply not have the resources to finance these activities.
Your donation makes our work, saving birds, possible. With your help we can continue to provide rescue services, excellent specialised veterinary care, rehabilitation, housing, transportation, education and outreach throughout the country, giving wild birds a second chance at freedom. We also provide a model of excellence for future bird rescues in other countries offering them training and advice so that more endangered birds can be saved.
BBR's programmes and facilities gives rescued and confiscated birds the chance for freedom, making enforcing the law less controversial for the Government. Historically, with nowhere to place confiscated parrots, the illegal practice of poaching and keeping them would have been ignored. Tourism is crucial to Belize's economy, and the abundance of 500+ species of photogenic wild birds delights tourists and contributes to the success of the country's many resorts and thriving tour-guide industry.