Our mission is to end all commercial and scientific whaling by Japan, Norway, and Iceland and to end the brutal dolphin drive and porpoise hunts by Japan & the Faroe Islands while raising awareness...
Today, dolphins and whales face more threats than ever from toxic pollution, noise pollution, entanglement in fishing nets, global warming, loss of habitat, collision with ships, and expanding whaling. They are the barometers to the overall health of our oceans. As go the dolphins and whales, so go our oceans, and as go the oceans so goes all life on earth. So if we can save the dolphins and whales, we can save our oceans, our planet, and our ourselves.
We are providing the necessary scientific data to illustrate these problems while raising public awareness to these threats through our films, PSA's, campaigns, and media outreach.
If we do not act to mitigate the problems facing dolphins, whales, and our oceans, we put our future generations at risk of facing the worst mass extinction our planet has ever seen, including ourselves.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).
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