This project will help stop the decimation of elephant herds around the world while helping the economies of countries where elephants are imperiled by producing jobs; creating a more diverse, skilled and higher paid workforce; enhancing educational opportunities; providing access to better health care; funding important infrastructure projects; and lessening the burden on governments to implement elephant protection and other related conservation efforts.
An elephant is killed every 15 minutes. One reason this occurs is that many of the inhabitants of the countries where elephants exist see little benefit in protecting them - primarily because of inherent human-elephant conflicts that occur when elephants are in search of food and water - resulting in the loss of human life and the destruction of the inhabitants, limited food supply. This causes many to view elephants as nuisance animals not worth protecting and so simply allow poaching to occur.
We will develop new dynamic and humane economies which will create sustainable revenue streams for elephant protection and related conservation efforts based on free market principles. We will foster an environment where protecting elephants and ensuring their long-term viability produces prosperity for the people and the government, and where everyone recognizes that a protected elephant is worth more than a dead one.
We will help stop the decimation of elephant herds around the world while helping the economies of countries where elephants are imperiled by producing jobs; creating a more diverse, skilled and higher paid workforce; enhancing educational opportunities; providing access to better health care; funding important infrastructure projects; and lessening the burden on governments to implement elephant protection and other related conservation efforts.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).