Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience

by Reef Life Foundation
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Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience
Rebuild Coral Reefs With Nanoscience


Help rebuild homes for homeless ocean species! Reef Life developed an unprecedented coral reef restoration system called IntelliReefs that fosters new coral growth, increases fish abundance & enhances biodiversity. Scientists found after only 14 months, IntelliReefs grew more biodiverse marine life than nearby natural reefs. Our team will plant your coral reef garden, which saves reefs and provides food, jobs & resources for island communities and businesses that rely on healthy oceans.

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There are currently miles of dying coral reefs surrounding Sint Maarten after Hurricane Irma's 185+ winds caused widespread physical destruction and left toxic debris and pollution in the ocean. It will take 100's of years for these reefs to naturally re-grow without our help. It is critical that we act now. Large scale coral reef destruction not only harms marine life, but severely destroys local business and island communities that rely on healthy oceans to survive.


Within months, IntelliReef coral gardens provide critical homes for biodiverse marine plants and animals, supporting increased fish aggregation and natural coral settlement. The Nature Foundation issued a permit for a large-scale coral sculpture garden shaped like sea turtles, which restores natural reefs and enhances revenue possibilities for locals. Reef Life will continue to work with The Nature Foundation to expand IntelliReefs into the Marine Protected Area and other dive locations.

Long-Term Impact

IntelliReef coral gardens generate critical revenue and jobs for island and coastal communities, while protecting and enhancing the local marine habitat. Because IntelliReefs can be scaled up to any size and shape, eco-tourist businesses recognize it's potential to cultivate economic AND biological growth. Long-term goals include building square kilometers of IntelliReefs world-wide, encouraging ocean conservation through collaborative research, and community education opportunities.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Reef Life Foundation

Location: Minneapolis, MN - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ReefLife911
Project Leader:
Melody Brenna
Cottonwd Hts , UT United States
$22,236 raised of $250,000 goal
222 donations
$227,764 to go
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