To enhance the life quality of "INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED" children having multiple diagnoses including Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Cerebral Atrophy, Down Syndrome, Visual Impairments & other developmental disabilities by providing special care through "FREE RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY" to enable them to live and function independently in daily routine. The children are selected from the families belonging to the economically weaker section and poor financial background in and around Bangalore, India.
As one survey of WHO says that 2.5% to 3% of total population are mentally retarded which in most cases is a livelong condition. In India the percentage is still more. Parents of intellectually special children are mostly daily wage earners having poor economic condition & unable to send to special school or provide nutrition care, hence they are "heavy" for them in many cases. This project is targeted on such children in & around Bangalore, India and planned for Residential care center for them
This project provides "Residential care facility" with the treatment of Speech therapy, Audiology, Physiotherapy, Yoga, Pranayama, Special training to parents and use many drug less therapies to heal, provide medical support, self help technique by well trained & qualified teachers. Train them to understand the life and dream for possible better tomorrow and enable them to live and function independently in daily routine. 16 years experienced volunteers are back bone of this social service.
The project is started with day care school with around 15 children and planning to have residential care center for about 50 children. The project will never stops as its aim is to make the targeted children to handle them selves and face daily routine with self help. NGO will keep in search of targeted needy and enroll them in the project periodically. Having understanding with other NGOs to accommodate the trained children in respective work bringing thousands of families to live happily.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).