Children of tea plantation workers dream of escaping a future in the fields by excelling on the Scholarship Exam in their final year of primary school. All who do well can earn a place in a well-funded national school and a scholarship. A teacher is ready to expand a successful tutoring program. We'll build a room that doubles as a library and replace an unhealthy latrine with a flush toilet and hand washing station. Then we'll train parents as community organizers who can solve future issues.
Local elementary schools near tea plantations are under-resourced, leaving children un-prepared for careers beyond the plantation. A national school system accepts students who excel on the Grade 5 Scholarship Exam, but few pass without tutoring. A teacher has a successful tutoring program with a 100% pass rate, but no space to expand. The school's latrine and lack of running water places students at risk of disease such as COVID19. Parents lack skills to organize and resolve important issues.
We'll add a room to the school and desks so the teacher can tutor more students and help them earn a place in a national school and a scholarship. The room will double as a library and provide enrichment for all students. We will remove the latrine and replace it with a flush toilet, septic system, and running water for a hand washing station to help fight disease. Interfaith Peacemaker Team training will equip four parents or community members to build power and resolve critical local issues.
The school serves 140 students each year. Proper sanitation and hand washing will help prevent disease and Covid19 from spreading in the school and community. As students access national schools, they'll have better access to computers, STEM classes, sports & arts, resulting in more career choices and increased ability to compete in the wider world. Interfaith Peacemaker Team leaders will identify and address critical local issues and make their community more peaceful and prosperous for all.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).