Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims

by Tiruzer Ethiopia for Africa (TEA)
Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims
Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims
Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims
Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims
Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims
Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims
Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims
Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims
Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims
Save the lives of 200,000 drought victims


More than 62 million people live without basic access to safe drinking water in Ethiopia. In fact, Ethiopia alone accounts for 7.5 per cent of the global water crisis. Tiruzer Ethiopia for Africa (TEA) plans to buy water well drilling rig by drilling 20 deep wells a year for women & children who are dying due to drought in Ethiopia, also save the lives of animals and plants. This providing drinking water for 200,000 people and 142,857 animals and used to irrigate 28,571 hectares of land.

total goal
monthly donors


There are currently more than 62 million people live without basic access to safe drinking water in Ethiopia according to UNICEF. 70,000 death is children under five per year due to diarrheal diseases. Although TEA is working diligently with the federal & regional governments by signed a project agreement, these populations are at risk of water, starvation & diseases, as they are not guaranteed basic rights in their life due to drought. we save the lives of peoples by digging deep waters.


The recent droughts in Ethiopia have left millions starving and hundreds of thousands of animals dying of thirst. Many of these people have lost their families to starvation, thirst, and disease. Instead of providing temporary tanker water for the victims, TEA build water deep wells to provide clean water for human, animal and irrigation works. This gives opportunity for the victims & their families to get training on irrigation & fruit production to improve their health, education & food.

Long-Term Impact

The project will educate 230,000 women & children allowing them to rise out of poverty and provide access to water for 142,857 animals , 10 primary school and 15 health post facilities in the areas, which will provide for their families' health, education and well-being.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Tiruzer Ethiopia for Africa (TEA)

Location: Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa/Asmara Street - Ethiopia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @TiruzerEthiopia
Project Leader:
Tiruzer Ethiopia for Africa
Addis Ababa , Hanan K Plaza Addis Ababa Ethiopia
$1,208 raised of $1,000,000 goal
10 donations
$998,792 to go
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