Provide Warm Meals: A $10 donation provides warm meals to a street-connected child, ensuring they don't sleep hungry and experience the warmth of care.
Education Essentials: With $25, you can equip a child with education essentials like books and stationery, paving the way for a brighter future.
Vocational Training: A $50 contribution offers a street-connected teenager vocational training, empowering them with skills for a sustainable livelihood.
Healthcare Support: Your $90 donation covers essential healthcare costs for a child, ensuring they receive the medical attention they deserve.
Safe Shelter: Contribute $150 to provide safe shelter for a child, shielding them from the dangers of the streets.
Psychosocial Care: A $200 donation offers vital psychosocial support to help children overcome the emotional challenges they face.
Full Education Scholarship: Your $500 gift sponsors a street-connected child's complete education for a year, including tuition, books, uniforms, and more.
Empower a Community: A generous $3,000 donation empowers an entire community by supporting multiple children with education, healthcare, and vocational training, creating a lasting impact.