The project is aimed at responding to the urgent needs of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) of the most affected populations in Venezuela. The project will consider the following activities: Prevention of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in the States: Apure, Amazonas and Guarico. Ensure the availability of life-saving post-abortion care in selected health facilities. Prevention of unwanted pregnancies in Apure Guarico and Amazonas.
In Venezuela, Access to sexuality and reproductive health services are very limited, the country faces the steepest drops of all time in indicators such as prenatal care and skilled delivery care than those typical within the region in years recent. Women face extreme challenges in accessing contraception and pregnancy care, reflected in increased demand for abortions and services in neighboring countries and high rates of teenage pregnancy; as well as a high percentage of maternal death.
Since May 2017, Ven Da tu Mano has responded to the needs of the most vulnerable within the framework of its actions with actions that save lives, in prioritized populations, especially adolescents, pregnant women and women of reproductive age, to reduce preventable maternal deaths. , unwanted pregnancies, STI and HIV prevention, as well as GBV prevention and response. This project will allow the implementation to be extended to three states: Apure, Guarico Amazonas; to respond to the needs of v
We will help reduce the maternal mortality rate in Venezuela through the provision of materials, supplies and medicines, strengthening the knowledge of health personnel and raising awareness and information in the community. Prevention of unwanted pregnancy in States: Apure, Amazonas and Guarico through the Activities: Provision of contraceptive methods, DIUS, subdermal implants, condoms, Strengthening of knowledge to health personnel. Family planning, contraceptive methods, Counseling, Activit
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