Virtual workshops, led by specialists via Zoom, will run for approximately four months. Participating teachers will develop innovative learning experiences and share them with their peers through learning communities and presentations of best practices.
Educating today's students in an ever-changing world requires new ways of thinking about teaching practice. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to rapidly rethink teaching and learning processes, to ensure that every student receives the education they deserve. This training cycle provides a space teachers to reflect, take action, and learn didactic tools to navigate the new normality. It also offers sustainable alternatives for self-training and collective learning through the formation of
We will work in small and differentiated groups according to the educational level, thus favoring the contextualization of experiences and the peer construction of situated knowledge with social relevance.
1) The classroom as a space of possibilities 2) Learning and teaching beyond face-to-face interaction 3) Teaching to develop skills 4) Specific training module (to be chosen): - Project-Based Learning (PBL) - Another way of thinking about math (didactic strategies) - Communicating to learn (didactic strategies) - Science to observe the world (didactic strategies) - Planning and evaluation in the service of learning