Have you heard of a pangolin? If not, don't worry. You are not alone and yet they are the most trafficked mammal in the world! Pangolins are facing a crisis, but it is not to late to save them. This project is to ensure the survival of the Temminck's ground pangolin in South Africa. Providing rehabilitation and post-release monitoring of pangolins rescued from the illegal wildlife trade. Be part of the movement committed to giving these amazing animals a second chance in life. Donate today.
300+ pangolin are taken from the wild every day for their scales, blood and fetuses which are believed to have "magical" medicinal properties in Asia. Most pangolins recovered from the illegal wildlife trade are in a very poor condition both physically and mentally. They are kept confined in a bucket, box or bag and not eaten or drank in days, sometimes weeks as their captors seek a buyer. Some are abused, kicked or thrown by their captures, causing trauma that requires additional treatment.
Pangolins are not easily raised in captivity. There is no artificial food source they can eat and so they must be walked daily to forage for food, which makes pangolin rehabilitation a long and costly process. It is imperative that every life is saved to ensure the survival of this amazing and shy species before it is too late.
This project provides safe and secure housing, professional veterinary care and dedicated staff that provide the best possible care to rescued pangolins throughout their rehabilitation process as well as post release monitoring to ensure their safety and health after release in the wild.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).