Recovery News and Information for Puerto Rico

by Internews
Recovery News and Information for Puerto Rico
Recovery News and Information for Puerto Rico
Recovery News and Information for Puerto Rico
Recovery News and Information for Puerto Rico
Recovery News and Information for Puerto Rico
Recovery News and Information for Puerto Rico
Recovery News and Information for Puerto Rico
Recovery News and Information for Puerto Rico


Following Hurricane Maria, Puerto Ricans need access to local, trusted information to aid in their recovery and build resilience during the current hurricane season. To meet this need, Internews launched the InfoAsAid news site, accessed by more than 1.3 million people and now a critical source of locally-driven recovery news and information across the island. Help us keep this service running to ensure communities are prepared for the next hurricane and to build a more resilient Puerto Rico.

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Hurricane Maria knocked out many of Puerto Rico's radio stations, with nearly two dozen still down as of late August 2018. Dozens of local TV stations were also knocked off the air. And in print, two of the island's biggest newspapers, El Nuevo Dia and Primera Hora, laid off almost 60 staffers after the storm. This has left Puerto Ricans with a massive information gap, both in terms of accessing critical recovery and rebuilding information and coverage of issues important to their communities.


InfoAsAid connects isolated people and families in rural areas who need assistance to neighbors and local responders and to recovery and preparedness information. Our stories help citizens share their concerns and hold their local leaders accountable by sharing posts like one story this past March on a neighborhood still without power. The story went viral and reached more than 450,000 people, resulting in getting the attention of the town's mayor and having power restored shortly thereafter.

Long-Term Impact

When people have reliable access to trusted, accurate, and timely information they can take charge of their lives. InfoAsAid has built a community network across Puerto Rico, where people can give and receive help, call out unaddressed recovery issues, and get critical recovery news. Now in the midst of this year's hurricane season, which peaks in September, this service will help build resilient, prepared communities and begin immediate response coverage if another disaster strikes.


Organization Information


Location: Washington, DC - USA
Project Leader:
Annessa Kaufman
Washington , DC United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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