Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims

by Habitat International Coalition
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Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims

Project Report | Dec 4, 2018
First steps of the project/Primeros pasos

By Maria Silvia Emanuelli | Project Leader

Video in San Mateo del Mar
Video in San Mateo del Mar

The first thing we proposed through the project was to develop a video that takes up cases of "social reconstruction of habitat" post-earthquake, which our member organizations are carrying out in different states of the Mexican Republic such as Oaxaca, Morelos and the State of Mexico . In these cases, unlike what happens when the reconstruction is done by companies hired by the State, people are placed at the center of the reconstruction and control the entire process since the organizations that work with them build diagnostics and workshops on participatory design focused on understanding their needs and rebuilding their homes and habitat according to their culture, climate and materials available in the area, seeking to reduce seismicity or other risks and maintain continuous dialogue with the beneficiaries who become the subject of these interventions. Before starting with the video, we organized several meetings with the people in charge of it, as well as with the organizations that work in the reconstruction to identify the places to be recorded and the topics to be highlighted. After that, field visits were carried out in San Mateo del Mar and Ixtepec in the State of Oaxaca, both towns hit hard by the earthquakes, to interview the communities -which are in different phases of the reconstruction- and their advisors and technicians (Cooperación Comunitraria, Reconstruccion. ITESO and Casa y Ciudad). One of these visits was especially relevant as the video team joined an exchange that the Latin America Office of the Habitat International Coalition organized with its members and allies so that 5 experts from various countries could also travel to these communities for an exchange of knowledge in the field of construction with local materials, seismic-resistant construction techniques and impact on public policies (program attached). As always happens, and it was very evident especially in the case of the Ikoots indigenous community of San Mateo, the exchange showed the great leadership that women assume in these processes. It also allowed to break down the different obstacles that the organizations that work for assisted self-construction (or as we prefer to call it, social production of the habitat) face because of the absence of public policies and budget that clearly contemplate this type of processes and their peculiarities in reconstruction. At present, we already have a good amount of material for the video --which will be ready at the beginning of next year will be used for a campaign focused on changing public policies on the matter- and also our office as well as the member organizations continue to hold advocacy meetings with the authorities that the new government that has just taken office, chose to lead the National Commission of Housing in order to make clear plans to have a public policy of prevention and reconstruction that considers the real needs of the people affected.



Lo primero que nos propusimos a través del proyecto fue elaborar un video que retome casos de reconstrucción social del hábitat post sismos del año pasado, que nuestras organizaciones miembro están llevando a cabo en diferentes estados de la República Mexicana como Oaxaca, Morelos y Estado de México. En estos casos, a diferencia de lo que pasa cuando la reconstrucción es hecha por empresas contratadas por el Estado, las personas son puestas en el centro de la reconstrucción y controlan todo el proceso ya que las organizaciones que trabajan con ellas construyen diagnósticos  y talleres de diseño participativo enfocados a entender sus necesidades y reconstruir sus viviendas y hábitat conforme a su cultura,al clima y a los materiales disponibles en la zona, buscan reducir los riesgos sísmicos o de otro tipo y mantienen continuo diálogo con las personas beneficiadas que se convierten en el sujeto de estas intervenciones. Antes de empezar con el video organizamos varias reuniones con las responsables del mismo, así como con las organizaciones que trabajan en la reconstrucción para identificar los lugares a ser grabados y los temas a resaltarse. Paso seguido se llevaron a cabo visitas de campo en San Mateo del Mar e Ixtepec en el Estado de Oaxaca, ambas localidades muy golpeadas por los temblores , para entrevistar a las comunidades -que se encuentran en distintas fases de la reconstrucción- y a sus asesores y técnicos (Coopeación Comunitaria, Reconstrucción.ITESO y Casa y Ciudad). Una de estas visitas fue especialmente relevante ya que el equipo de video se sumó a un intercambio que la Oficina para América Latina de la Coalición Internacional para el Hábitat organizó con sus miembros y aliados para que 5 expertos/as de varios países viajaran también a estas comunidades para un intercambio de saberes en materia de construcción con materiales locales, técnicas constructivas sismo-resistentes e incidencia en políticas públicas (anexamos el programa). Como siempre sucede, y fue muy evidente sobre todo en el caso de la comunidad indígena Ikoots de San Mateo, el intercambio puso de manifiesto gran liderazgo que las mujeres asumen en estos procesos. También permitió desglosar los diferentes obstáculos que las organizaciones que trabajan por auto-construcción asistida (o como preferimos llamarla, producción social del hábitat) enfrentan a causa de la ausencia de políticas públicas que contemplen claramente este tipo de procesos y sus peculiaridades para la reconstrucción. En la actualidad ya contamos con una buena cantidad de material para el video -que estará listo a inicios del año que viene será empleado para una campaña enfocada a cambiar las políticas públicas en la materia- y además nuestra oficina así como las organizaciones miembro siguen llevando a cabo reuniones de incidencia con las autoridades que el nuevo gobierno que acaba de tomar posesión, escogió para dirigir la Comisión Nacional de Vivienda con el fin de hacer planteamientos claros para contar con una política pública de prevención y reconstrucción que contemple las verdaderas necesidades de las personas afectadas.

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Organization Information

Habitat International Coalition

Location: Delft - Netherlands
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @habitat_intl
Project Leader:
Maria Silvia Emanuelli
Mexico City , Mexico City Mexico

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