Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims

by Habitat International Coalition
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Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims
Rebuilding lives of Mexico's earthquake victims


Impulsemos un nuevo modelo de reconstruccion eficiente en Mexico! Hagamoslo a traves de una politica publica de derechos humanos y autogestion que responda a las diferentes necesidades de las 180 mil familias en viviendas danadas por los temblores de 2017. Let's promote a new model of efficient reconstruction in Mexico! Let's do it through a public policy based on human rights and self-management, able to respond to the different conditions and needs of the 180,000 families in damaged homes.

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Mexico puede sufrir otro desastre en cualquier momento. !Mostremos en un video que significa la reconstruccion social del habitat y construyamos una campana para lograr una nueva politica publica de prevencion y reconstruccion que cubra las verdaderas necesidades de l@s damnificad@s! Mexico is at risk of suffering another disaster at any time. Let's show in a video what the social reconstruction of the habitat means and let's build a campaign to achieve a new prevention and reconstruction public


Somos mas de 100 organizaciones trabajando por los derechos humanos vinculados al habitat en America Latina. Proponemos un modelo viable de reconstruccion centrado en la participacion de l@s afectad@s, aprendiendo de las experiencias en los territorios. We are more than 100 organizations working for human rights related to habitat in Latin America. We propose a viable model of reconstruction focused on the participation of those directly affected, learning from the experiences in the territories

Long-Term Impact

Esta nueva politica publica implementara un proceso de reconstruccion basado en experiencias previas de la sociedad organizada y empoderada, logrando el mejor aprovechamiento de los apoyos y nuevas oportunidades para nuestras comunidades. A new public policy will implement a reconstruction process based on an organized and empowered society, achieving a better use of supports and new opportunities for our communities.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Habitat International Coalition

Location: Delft - Netherlands
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @habitat_intl
Project Leader:
Maria Silvia Emanuelli
Mexico City , Mexico City Mexico

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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