Rebuilding Brazilian schools Cyclone Relief Fund

by APUSA - Associacao Polo Universitario Santo Antonio
Rebuilding Brazilian schools Cyclone Relief Fund


This project will focus on rebuilding schools heavily impacted by a natural disaster in south of Brazil. Elementary School Nossa Senhora de Fatima and Preschool Soneca had lost most of its facilities due to the strongest extratropical cyclone in Santo Antonio da Patrulha since 1961; We aim to rebuild school`s facilities, furnish classrooms, a new library, purchase IT equipment and focus on expanding the resources to increase number of full-time program capacity to help most vulnerable kids.

total raised
monthly donors


The Elementary School Nossa Senhora de Fatima and Preschool Soneca have suffered extensive damage due to a devastating extratropical cyclone that caused severe flooding in south Brazil, losing large part of their furniture, appliances, IT equipment and supplies. The schools serve around 530 children and students, 50% of them on full-time program, guaranteeing, in addition to education and learning, safety and food. They need urgent help to rebuild the structure that supports the community.


Donations will be used to repair the damage suffered, rebuild classrooms, rehabilitate facilities and replace equipment and school materials lost during the disaster, enabling the resumption of comprehensive care for children and students, APUSA will commit to the use of resources from the fund for the purchase of educational material, chromebooks, equipment, furniture, mattresses, furniture, repairs in general, building materials and labor in order to remedy the damage caused by the cyclone.

Long-Term Impact

Along with minimizing the damage of an unpredictable natural disaster, this project focuses on keeping the schools running and expanding, ensuring more children and students continue to have access to quality education and care. The relief fund, in addition to guaranteeing this right, will allow the purchase of equipment to improve access to technology and renovation of the school's infrastructure, allowing the expansion of full-time care to 500 children and students.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

APUSA - Associacao Polo Universitario Santo Antonio

Location: Santo Antonio da Patrulha, RS - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
APUSA- Associacao PoloSAP
Santo Antonio da Patrulha , RS Brazil

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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